About Me

 Ralph Lauren definitely knew what he was talking about when he said and I quote,” Fashion is something that comes from within you.”. It’s set in stone for me and it’s a quote I live by.

Hey, I’m Neeve, just your average 19-year-old girl who loves fashion in every sense and thinks she can break it down for you enough so that it becomes simple.

So that’s all that brought us here. I’ve had, you can say, a connection with fashion since as long as I can remember. I know that may sound crazy but my mom, being a fashion designer, never let me get out of the house without looking a little diva; everything that I wore had to be in vogue. 

Over the years my mom gave me the liberty to express and explore my fashion sense even if it did get a tad bit hideous, but I mean that’s how you learn right. She being a fashion designer has taught all that I know when it comes to fashion - whether it’s the different cuts for your dresses or their different necklines, the kinds of cloth materials available and what combination of those go best together. She even taught me how to mix and match and try out designing stuff for myself, needless to say, I had a few failed attempts as well.

All these years of growing up being surrounded by fashion, I understand that the world of fashion is dynamic, always keeping you on your toes with the latest trends that are either completely new and very abstract or have been borrowed from the past and rehashed to sync with the current times. What fashion does promise you is that you won't go empty-handed and there's something for every aesthetic, whether it's vintage, minimal, grunge, etc.

Fashion has always had me in awe of itself because you just can’t go wrong with it. It is limitless. You can style a pair of jeans in 10 different ways and there will always be something you haven’t tried out. Another amazing thing about it is that no two people have the same fashion sense, each one is unique in their own way, having something different and new to offer, a little piece of themselves for the world to see. 

All this has brought up the interest in me to pursue it, even if it’s in the form of a small blog. It’ll just be me talking about one of the things that piqued an interest, something that I am very passionate about. 

So here’s me trying to offer in this blog a little bit of myself through fashion.

I hope you stick around enough to see the journey.  




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